Do I dare, write?

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” ― Toni Morrison

Research Writing

I have an MPhil in English Literature. My journey of research started back in 2014 when I enrolled myself in an MA English. This was a new world of possibilities for me. I could question anything and anyone in my research. Since then, my research interests have largely revolved around Postcolonial Novel, American Politics and Theatre, Women Studies and Gender Studies. I am adept at following MLA, APA and Chicago styles in my work.

Here are a few of my research samples:

Neo- fascism, Leftism and Anti-Semitism in the Contemporary United States: An Exegesis of Tony Kushner’s Plays

The Uncontained Rage, Motherhood and Identity Struggle in Toni Morrison’s Jazz (1992)