Do I dare, write?

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” ― Toni Morrison

For Memory and Disgust

It’s the ruin, the one who ruins, and the act of ruining.

Its geography is cruelty.

(Mohsin Emadi; Translated by Lyn Coffin)

Fear had been familiar to him

Like a parent close in placements

Mountains and Rivers and Death and God

Moments of impermanence

On a white board outspread like a colonialist

Was written the tale of fear

Of memories, of existence – of a nail paint.

I was there in the crowd

The stage defined by blood and dreams

No, you cannot see it

It is the tangible memory of invalidation

No, you cannot see it.

He saw the words of his mother

Performed on water

They come, they go, they stay –

You leave.

History was talking to skies

He could not hear.

The glass broke

So did memory

His hands carrying the germs of atrocity

Let’s go to the land of hope

Of impossibility and desire.

Still collecting the broken glass pieces,

Memory intervenes.

The disgust

No, you cannot see it.