Do I dare, write?

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” ― Toni Morrison

  • Does Injustice Ever Go Away?

    No. Injustice never really goes away. In the paradise of illusions around us, sometimes it appears as if the world is a dynamite of filtered transparency and equality but in reality it’s not. It’s a filthy place full of filthy governments, institutions of violence and hubs of ignorance. There are days when it’s all picture…

  • This World is an Ecosystem of Pain

    (Picture by me) This world of ours is an ecosystem of pain Where the threads are held together with the glue of masqueraded dreams So everyone is connected to everything and everything to everyone It works like a net Like the scattered pink silhouettes of nerves in the eyes, swollen when it’s a flood of…

  • Not All Men

    (Art work titled, “Just take them and leave me alone” by Raoof Haghighi, Graphite on paper) Not all men, but somehow always a man. I heard this the other day that men fear supernatural creatures when they are alone, and women fear men. Generations of oppression lies behind this internalized fear. But the fun part…

  • How Did I Start Thanking People more

    Internet is all filled with the fancy connotations of the word, “gratitude.” Most of these are often spiritual coming from the content of yogi’s, mental health practitioners and those pursuing the path of conscious living. However, this spiritual side of gratitude focusing on being grateful to the universe and to oneself is not enough. I…

  • The Kolkata Case Aug 2024

    The Kolkata rape incident is not the only one of its sort in India. In fact, India is not the only country where you get to see gender based violence happening on a massive scale. The whole world has become a danger zone for women and nothing can be more alarming then that. A young…

Aqsa Ishaq

Being nobody but myself…

This is how it all started…

I started reading before I wrote my first word. It was a go-to; when other kids used to play with their bats, and balls, and guns, and dolls… I always had a tiny story book with me. Stories were my life – I was diving into the world of weaving tales, one from the another. Then, came the days of expression. I learned to write.

As life moved on, so many things came and left – college, higher studies, making a livelihood, making relationships – the one thing that stayed constant was my writings. Soon enough, I had established myself as a dynamic professional in the field of content creation.

See, another story was just made? That’s how it goes. I invite you to share this path of creativity and flow with me.

Let’s see what you want me to write for you!

Aqsa Ishaq

Writer & Researcher